Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Pledge of Allegiance essays

The Pledge of Allegiance essays Recently there has been controversy over whether or not the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited in public schools. People may ask where this controversy originates. It comes from the fact that most school teachers are liberals and liberal views are generally very strong, sometimes almost arrogant. They want to change things to increase personal freedom and tolerance, and are willing to empower government until they reach their goals. Liberals want to help individuals take more control over their own lives and they are secure in their beliefs. If you stop and think about it, these views relate to the question in many ways. The boundary of personal freedom is crossed when you coerce someone to participate in an act such as this. In 1943 there was a court case, West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette and after that case the Supreme Court now prohibits public schools from requiring students to pledge the flag. This case came about when Jehovahs Witnesses decided that their religion forbids them from saluting the flag and standing, in a way, still showed support. Once this was brought to court it was decided that the government may not require them to salute it or even stand for the salute if they didnt believe in it. Well, now that you hear one side of it, let me give you my views. I feel that with our country under attack people should be doing everything they can to show patriotism. A month after the attack, October 11, there was an idea that every school across the nation should salute the flag at 2 oclock, needless to say there were two school districts that prohibited their schools from participating due to students religious beliefs. What about that 90% of students whose religious beliefs are in God and in their country? Is it fair for them not to be able to participate? The whole controversy is over the addition of under God which was added ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Inter-Cultural Development Bank Case Study Essay

Inter-Cultural Development Bank Case Study - Essay Example Other team members wanted to ensure that the right type of relations was created with Ghanaian officials and that the economical considerations were met. Eduardo Caballero was a road-building expert and he was not happy that the road was being constructed through heavy jungles to meet the demands of different tribes and there was a technical role conflict here. Aziz Tanod the economist felt that socializing with locals was essential to develop cordial relations. Bernard Dupre was a financial analyst who did not like the nurturing and hand holding that was required of his role. Raj Mathuri was an economist who believed in getting the job done. Bjorn the mission leader was under intense pressure from Washington and it was felt that he over controlled the project and the mission members. So the actual role requirements were to carry out tasks as required while the implied role, requirements were for socializing and some members did not like this aspect. Bjorn, the Swedish team leader believed in close monitoring of the project and other people did not like this. Bernard Dupre from France believed in carrying out his role of financial analyst and not to take up mentoring and being nice to the Ghanaians. Eduardo Caballero, the Colombian was an easy-going person who enjoyed being with people and got along very well with his Ghanaian counterparts when they met at the hotel for drinks. Aziz Tanod from Indonesia liked to socialize and so did John Anderson, the American specialist in Ghanaian manufacturing and marketing. Raj Mathuri from India also did not like to socialize, Thus it can be seen that while some people believed only in their work and did not like to mix and socialize, others believed that both activities were required. There are two motivational factors here, work oriented and socializing or people oriented. The presumed conflict among